
Research Areas


Research Areas
Available Positions

Simulation and Modeling of Dynamic Systems

The AE SCA-LAB is interested in the modeling and simulation of various dynamic systems in various fidelities.

Control Theory and Applications   

The AE SCA-LAB is involved in the research of the various advanced control systems, including adaptive control, robust control, neural network based adaptive control, fault tolerant control, etc.

Helicopter Dynamics and Control

A heavy workload of the AE SCA-LAB is to investigate the dynamics of rotorcraft and apply advanced control techniques for its autopilot designs. The strong existing simulation effort is in various fidelity levels and allows students and researchers to test various simulation and modeling ideas.

Satellite Dynamics and Control

Satellite Dynamics and Control is one of the major areas of research. Various projects involved many researchers. One of the first funded projects the lab received was in Satellite Technologies.

Unmanned  and Intelligent Aerial Vehicles

Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle design are closely related to its autonomy, hence to the development of advanced controller technologies. The AE SCA-LAB dedicates a considerable amount of its workforce to the design and development of control systems (often understood as autopilots) and its avionics hardware.

Carefree Maneuvering

Carefree Maneuvering is a new term describing the ability to allow pilots to fly the aircraft without worrying about its envelope limits. Various pilot cues or controller techniques can be designed into the system to reduce pilot workload.



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Last modified: 11/29/07