The majority of these books are not historical fact but historical fiction.  However, they represent a good cross section of the books that got me interested in history as a child.

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Viking's Dawn

by Henry Treece

"This is the first part of Treece's Viking trilogy and it is by far the best part. The story is quite simple; a group of rovers form a crew in the western fjords of Norway and sail west, to Britain, in search of gold. The hero is Harald Sigurdson, a young boy who was intending to sail with his father, who is
seriously injured in one of the early chapters. Thus Harald is on his own, and is forced to grow into a man very quickly by the hardship that he faces upon the waves."

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Road to Miklagard

by Henry Treece

"This is the second part of Treece's trilogy about the Norwegian Viking, Harald Sigurdson. It's set in about the year 800 and tells a fairly typical adventure for a Norwegian Viking of the period, sailing to Ireland in search of treasure."
cover The Golden Goblet

by Eloise Jarvis

Ranofer, a goldsmith's apprentice during the Egyptian New Kingdom, is orphaned and in dire straits.  Then he finds out that his step brother Gebu has some lovely new gold tableware..
cover Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West

by Dee Brown

Not a children's book as such but a book on the history of the subjugation of the Native American peoples that made an impression on me as a child.
cover The Tin Princess

by Philip Pullman

A detective story set in Victorian Europe, centring around upheavals in the Kingdom of Razkavia. It is the last of a series of four books but can be read alone.  The other three books are The Ruby in the Smoke, The Shadow in the North and The Tiger in the Well.

cover Outcast

by Rosemary Sutcliff

The story of a Roman boy raised by Ancient Britons before being captured and sold as a slave in Rome.  In retrospect, it seems a little homoerotic although there are certainly no overt references to such things.
cover The Eagle of the Ninth

by Rosemary Sutcliff

Set in Roman Britain this story is of a young Roman officer who sets out to discover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of the Ninth Legion, who marched into the mists of Northern Britain and never returned. Marcus Aquila is determined to find out what happened to his father and the legion. His venture to find them is seen as a quest so hazardous, noone expects him to return


* : Reviews in quotes ("") are Copyright (c)